The U.S. Sun: “Drivers are just realizing wearing headphones behind the wheel is illegal – you could face $150 fines and jail time,” Kristen Brown
Normally, pedestrians aren’t subject to fines or jail time for wearing headphones while walking but wearing headphones can...
“NYC Comptroller’s Report Finds Payments to Settle City-Owned Vehicle Crashes Have Nearly Doubled Over the Past Decade,” Comptroller Brad Lander
Personal injury settlements totaled $653.9 million for claims filed between FY 2012 and FY 2021. The New York City...

“BREAKING: NYPD Will No Longer Respond to Minor Car Crashes” — Streetsblog
There is no question police officers spend far too much time attending to motorists who damage their vehicles...
Eben Weiss, the “Bike Snob,” Interviews Steve Vaccaro on WBAI
Eben Weiss became perhaps the most celebrated commentator on New York City cycling through his column, “Bike Snob...
“Cyclist Killed In Long Island Hit-And-Run Remembered As ‘Ubiquitous,’ ‘Generous’ Presence In NYC Bike Community,” Jake Offenhartz for Gothamist
In the wake of the hit-and-run crash that killed legendary Five Borough Bike Tour volunteer David Schlichting, David’s...

DUI-Drunk DrivingIntentional TortsPedestriansprosecutionPublic SpaceTraffic ViolenceVision ZeroWrongful Death
Driver Who “Wanted To Kill” Times Square Pedestrians Charged With Murder, Alexandria Neason for Gothamist
Amidst outcry over driver Richard Rojas, who injured dozens of pedestrians in Times Square rampage, the village Voice...
DMV Suspends License of Driver Who Killed Mathieu Lefevre for Six Months
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles found the truck driver who killed Brooklyn cyclist Mathieu Lefevre...

Citylab: New York Drivers Who Hit Pedestrians Are Let Off the Hook
Citylab interviewed Steve Vaccaro about Intro 238 (now AC 19-190), which criminalizes driver’s violation of pedestrian’s right of...
Gawker: “The NYPD Is Stealing Bikes in Midtown”
Gawker interviewed Steve Vaccaro about NYPD/Midtown North’s questionable practice of confiscating bicycles locked to city-owned street fixtures near...

Newsday: Permit denials jeopardize Ride to Montauk bike event this weekend
Steve Vaccaro is advising Glen Goldstein and Bicycle Shows US in connection with the Town of Easthampton's attempt to enjoin tomorrow's Ride to Montauk.