Gothamist: Don’t Ride Your Bike On The Sidewalk: The Queens Blvd. Edition
Gothamist interviewed Steve Vaccaro about sidewalk cycling and efforts to win safer alternatives.

“New Law Might Improve NYPD Response to Reckless Drivers,” Christopher Robbins for Gothamist
Gothamist interviewed Steve Vaccaro about a legislative proposal to eliminate the "observed violation" rule that insulates reckless drivers from summonses if police don't witness the violation.

Gothamist: Brooklyn Cyclist Given $1,250 Fine For Single Traffic Stop
Gothamist interviewed Steve Vaccaro about questionable NYPD bike summonsing practices.

Gothamist: Cyclist Faces Points On License For Allegedly Failing To Yield To Pedestrian
The DMV threatens to add points to license of cyclist who received a summons while cycling in Central Park. Steve Vaccaro believes the cyclist had a good chance of beating the summons because the rule applies only to 'vehicular traffic'

CBS Video Report: Manhattan Cyclist Shocked To Discover Bike Violation Could Result In Driver’s License Points
CBS2 News' Elyse Finch interviews Steve Vaccaro about DMV's unlawful practice of applying points to driver's licenses for cycling violations.

Governing: Bikers, Walkers Need Cities to Protect Them
Alex Marshall of Governing discussed with Steve Vaccaro the steps necessary to reduce bike accidents.

Gothamist: It’s Still Not A Crime To Kill Someone With Your Car Door
A bill that would have penalized drivers who injure pedestrians and cyclists did not pass the state legislature. Even if it did, it would not have covered 'dooring'.

CNN: The Search for Justice and Accountability from NYPD
Steve Vaccaro speaks with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta about NYPD's inadequate investigations of pedestrian and bicycle crashes.

CNN: Bicycle injuries: Is the right-of-way fight getting ugly?
CNN illuminates how the NYPD often fails to investigate drivers who injure bicyclists, especially in hit & run cases.

Village Voice: At Mathieu Lefevre Hearing, Arguments About Transparency and Bike Safety
Steve Vaccaro argues for greater transparency and accountability at Mathieu Lefevre's hearing on the NYPD delay in responding to a FOIL request.