Daily News: “New video indicates NYPD covered up key details in pedestrian’s death”

The Daily News covers the growing evidence that NYPD covered up the reckless driving by police officers that led to Ryo Oyamada’s death.

Steve Vaccaro, the lawyer representing the family of slain pedestrian Ryo Oyamada, says that recently released video shows that the NYPD cruiser that struck and killed the 24-year-old likely did not have its emergency lights on, despite reported police claims. Vaccaro has brought a civil suit against the department that alleges it dispersed witnesses, failed to properly record evidence at the crime scene and tampered with one key witnesses account after Oyamada’s death.

Cops said the driver was responding to an emergency and had the cruiser’s top lights activated, but the video shows a police car pass the camera, moments before Oyamada was struck, without flashing lights.

“We allege there’s been a cover-up by police based on destruction of evidence, loss of evidence and in some cases a fabrication of evidence,” said Steve Vaccaro hired by Oyamada’s family to look into the pedestrian’s death.

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