On December 5, 2023, Vaccaro Law sought appellate review of the refusal by NYPD and DMV to apply the “Cyclists’ Head Start” law, effective since 2019, that allows cyclists to proceed on the white “WALK” signal, ahead of the green signal for vehicles. The law, codified at NYCAC 195.1, improves safety for cyclists and reduce conflicts with drivers, by letting cyclists get a “head start” entering the intersection, so drivers can see them.
Vaccaro Law is representing pro bono publico cyclist Andrea Adleman, who was wrongfully ticketed and convicted for the completely lawful act of proceeding by bike on the white “WALK” signal. In the Article 78 challenge, Vaccaro Law attorneys Steve Vaccaro and Chris Greene ask the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court to not only vacate Adleman’s ticket and conviction, but to direct the NYPD and the DMV to start following the law, after three years of disregarding it.
Read the Article 78 petition here, and check back for updates.