“No Charges for Truck Driver Who Killed Cyclist Despite Being on a No-Truck Route and Failing to Yield,” Gersh Kuntzman for Streetsblog

Steve Vaccaro commented on the extensive evidence of criminal recklessness visible in photographs of the crash scene:

The driver who killed a 25-year-old cyclist on Wednesday has still not been charged in the death by the NYPD.

Police confirmed that truck driver Saeed Ahmed was neither summonsed nor arrested, despite admitting that he saw cyclist Kala Santiago in front of him on narrow Parkside Avenue, but passed her anyway, triggering a series of events that caused her death.

Parkside Avenue is not a truck route, yet Ahmed was driving an 18-wheeler with New Jersey plates on the roadway, which is between two parks. A video obtained by reporter Liam Quigley suggests he was driving above the posted speed limit.

Lawyer Steve Vaccaro, who also works with crash victims, posted his legal opinion to Twitter:

“If the linear dent on the pickup was really caused by the bike handlebar being dragged against it by the truck passing the cyclist too closely, the driver’s statement that he saw the cyclist “getting nervous” right before she went under his wheel is absolutely chilling….the truck is a container carrier, it goes without saying it was not on a “local delivery” that could have justified driving on Parkside.”

For the full report, click here.