New York Post: “Cyclist seriously injured in hit-and-run, but no arrests”

The New York Post reported on Dulcie Canton’s efforts to identify the hit and run driver who seriously injured her in Bushwick. Dulcie chose Steve Vaccaro to represent her, and the driver was ultimately found and held accountable.

A hit-and-run driver seriously injured a woman riding her bike — but police have not even spoken to the car’s owner in the month since the accident, saying they haven’t had the time, according to the angry victim and her lawyer.

Shortly after the Aug. 7 crash in Brooklyn, witnesses not only gave cops the car’s plate number but told them where it was parked, about two blocks away.

When she failed to hear from the cops, she called “and the detective told me he would contact the [car] owner if he had time,” said victim Dulcie Canton, 38, who sells high-end Dutch bikes at a Tribeca shop.

“I was angry and disappointed. You get most evidence within the first 24 to 48 hours.”

Canton was cycling in Bushwick on Bleecker Street about 11 p.m. when a 2013 Chevrolet smashed into her and took off, according to a civil lawsuit filed against the vehicle’s owner, Richard Rivera Jr., 31, in Brooklyn Supreme Court.

Canton’s lawyer, Steve Vaccaro, said, “We think a criminal case is justified. Look at the video — it’s just horrible.”

Meanwhile, he said police haven’t even contacted the owner of the surveillance video, adding that despite numerous letters to the precinct, he hasn’t even been able to get cops to interview Rivera.

Police did not comment.

“Vision Zero is supposedly to pay more attention to dangerous violators,” said Vaccaro, referring to Mayor Bill de Blasio’s traffic safety initiative. “A month is long enough. While all this is happening, the driver can just continue living large.”

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