Streetsblog: ” New York State DMV Admits to Cheating Cyclists, But Doesn’t Say It Will Stop”

Streetsblog covers today’s developments in the DMV bike ticket cheating affair.  Steve Vaccaro brought a class action on behalf of New York cyclists unlawfully penalized as motorists for biking violations.

The New York State DMV admits that it is incorrectly overcharging cyclists for traffic violations and wrongly adding points to their drivers licenses, but the agency hasn’t agreed to stop doing it.

In his most recent Streetsblog column, attorney Steve Vaccaro pointed out that the DMV’s online payment system does not distinguish between bikes and motor vehicles. As a result, cyclists who plead guilty and pay traffic tickets online are stuck with an $88 surcharge that doesn’t apply to bike violations, and are getting points on their licenses that don’t legally apply.

Vaccaro got a letter from the DMV today acknowledging that, under state law, “there are no points assigned for violations committed by bicyclists,” and that the law “exempts bicycle violations from the mandatory surcharge.”

2014.08.20 ltr from DMV

2014.08.20 ltr to DMV legal