Car Accident

New York Times: Negligence Suit Against NYPD in Drunk-Driving Death of Pedestrian

Steve Vaccaro launches a negligence lawsuit against the NYPD for failing to properly investigate the death of a pedestrian who was killed by a drunk driver.  

The NYPD violated its “professional responsibilities” when it allowed a drunk driver to get off virtually scot free by failing to properly investigate the death of the Fort Greene woman he ran down last year, a bombshell lawsuit claims.

Mr. Stevens hopes that this civil suit will draw attention to the hundreds of other cases similar to Ms. Heyworth’s that do not get thoroughly investigated.

“This is not about retribution and vengeance,” said Steve Vaccaro, Mr. Stevens’s attorney. “This is about drawing attention to a systematic problem of a failure to investigate.”

Last year, the Accident Investigation Squad looked into 304 cases — but only 63 cases that did not involve fatalities, or roughly 2 percent of the approximately 3,000 serious non-fatal injuries in city accidents in 2010,according to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Click here for the full article.