Central Park

DNAinfo New York: Police Tougher on Central Park Cyclists Than Cars, Advocates Say

Steve Vaccaro and Transportation Alternatives lambast the NYPD for being tougher on cyclists than cars in Central Park.

MANHATTAN — Outraged and armed with radar guns, bike advocates have been videotaping cars zipping along every roadway in and through Central Park the last two weeks to see how strictly the NYPD is enforcing traffic rules for four-wheelers.

Transportation Alternatives’ East Side Committee says there has been a recent blitz of tickets to cyclists and believes the police have been targeting them unfairly compared to the way they treat car drivers. The group plans to voice their concerns at the next Central Park Precinct Council meeting on Mar. 14.

“In many locations we have seen NYPD officers observing 30 – 40-plus MPH traffic without ever seeming to take enforcement measures,” Steve Vaccaro, chair of the East Side Committee, wrote in an e-mail.

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