Vaccaro Law has represented citizens of more than 15 nations.
New York City, the most diverse city in the world, is home to people from virtually every nation and background, who walk and bike its streets. When negligent drivers seriously injure or kill a visitor or emigrè to New York, the challenges often are greater than a New Yorker would face. We can help.
At Vaccaro Law, we specialize in representing crash victims. Regardless of your immigration status, whether you are a United States citizen, permanent resident, visa holder or without documentation, when struck by a motorist you are entitled to free comprehensive no-fault medical care and compensation for your injuries. We can help you get the treatment and compensation you need.
We have won justice for foreign doctors on J-1 visas training in city hospitals, asylum seekers working as Deliveristas, students, tourists on holiday, business travelers, and many others who never expected to become ensnared in New York’s medical, legal and immigration bureaucracies. We help you navigate those bureaucracies to win compensation and justice.
Contact us for a confidential consultation to learn more.