“SHELTER IN PLACE: Cuomo Order Seems to Declare Bike Shops ‘Non-Essential’ Despite Cycling Surge” — Streetsblog

Lawyer Steve Vaccaro said Cuomo’s order will need to be clarified simply because it’s all over the place.

“Cuomo specifically stated that delivery services, including food delivery, were essential services,” said Vaccaro (full disclosure: a Streetsblog advertiser). “He also deferred until later a question as to whether computer equipment repair should be considered essential … but apparently only because he didn’t know what the ‘Geek Squad’ was (the Geek Squad is the branded name of the Best Buy visit-you-at-home computer repair service).”

“So the point is that something is essential, then the industry that supports the essential thing is also essential,” Vaccaro added. “That is the logic that gets you to bike repair and maintenance being essential. He said during the presser that they were still going through the list of essential and non-essential. Applying the apparent gist of Cuomo’s remarks, bicycle repair services and maintenance of bike share should both be considered essential within New York City, and therefore should remain open.”

Read more here.