Steve Vaccaro Statement to City Council About NYPD Treatment of Cyclists

Statement of Steve Vaccaro to New York City Council Transportation Committee, November 20, 2014

Thank you for the opportunity to speak. Our city is doing a great many things right when it comes to encouraging cycling and making us a national and international leader in sustainable, healthy transportation. Others will speak to what we’re doing right, and the best way to fine tune the infrastructure and education. Thank you so much to the members of this committee and your colleagues in the council who have done so much to build on the successes of the Bloomberg administration’s cycling policies.

I’m going to focus my comments on the role of law enforcement in making and keeping New York City the national leader in making cycling safe and popular means of transportation. And I’ll say that probably the biggest threat to our leadership in this area is arbitrary, heavy-handed summonsing and downright harassment of cyclists by NYPD….

Click the link below for the full statement:

Statement of Steve Vaccaro to New York City Council Transportation Committee, November 20, 2014