New York Times: Inquiry Seeks Twitter User in Brooklyn Bridge Flag Case

Matt Flegenheimer of the New York Times interviews Steve Vaccaro about the the District Attorney’s attempts to unmask the “Bicycle Lobby.”

The Twitter account purportedly representing an “all-powerful” coalition of radical cyclists has claimed responsibility for knocking out Metro-North Railroad service, swinging the World Series and strong-arming Bruce Springsteen into changing a song title to “Thunder Lane.”

So when the account, @BicycleLobby, wrote on Twitter last month that it had placed white flags atop the Brooklyn Bridge “to signal our complete surrender” of the bridge’s bicycle path to pedestrians, most followers of the self-described “parody account” allowed themselves a chuckle at the several news organizations that reported the remark as a proper confession before backtracking.

On Friday, though, with the authorities still searching for the perpetrators in the flag affair, it seemed that @BicycleLobby had not been cleared. Steve Vaccaro, a lawyer for the account’s author, who has remained anonymous, said Twitter had received a subpoena from the Manhattan district attorney’s office in a bid to identify his client.

“He’s claimed credit for the moon landing, for the faking of President Obama’s birth certificate, for the crash of the New York Times website,” Mr. Vaccaro said. “It should be transparently clear to anyone that this was a joke.”

Click here for the full report.