Gothamist: DA Subpoenas Parody Twitter Account Over Obvious Brooklyn Bridge Joke

Steve Vaccaro represents @BicycleLobby on Twitter in First Amendment litigation to protect the right of anonymous internet speech.

You may recall that back in the heady days of a few weeks ago, two white flags were mysteriously installed on the Brooklyn Bridge prompting a lot of confusion and a bit of hysteria. They were possibly put there by an “insider,” or perhaps a marauding gang of trouble-making skateboarders, but we don’t really know because the NYPD hasn’t named any suspects nearly a month later. But they claim they’re really really close to finding the culprits: “We think we have a very good idea of who’s responsible,’” Police Chief Bratton said.

But we can guarantee at least one person who did NOT commit the crime: the parody Twitter account Bike Lobby. However, that hasn’t stopped the District Attorney’s office from (hilariously) subpoenaing them because of a transparently jokey tweet.

Click here for the full report.