“Valet Bike Parking and Brooklyn Brews,” Eliza Pound for the Wall Street Journal

“I can’t believe that we’re still the coolest group in New York City,” the executive director of Time’s Up, Bill Di Paola, said about his 25 year old environmental organization on Tuesday night. Celebrating 25 years of saving community gardens, defending public space and empowering bicyclists, the event was held at the Brooklyn Brewery in Williamsburg, which offered valet bicycle parking. Dozens of bikes lined up, representing the quirky atmosphere of the night.

Steve Vaccaro, a lawyer at Rankin & Taylor, said he adores the moonlight ride in Central Park and “tries to make it every
month, even in the winter.” Mr. Vaccaro has represented many Time’s Up members in the past and explained how he loves the organization and what it’s about. “They have lots of family-friendly rides, which has been a big part of my kids’ growing up.”